People come into our stores and get cash loans every day. Many of them are what some call the “Under Banked.” That just means they either do not have bank accounts or credit cards, or in certain circumstances they choose not to use them. Many though have both. What many also have is a gap between income and a payment that is due. Or they had an unexpected expense that had to be paid, and not enough ready cash to cover it along with their regular monthly obligations.
We see this all time time. Small business owners that have been shorted by a client on a job and still have to pay their help. Commissioned sales professionals that had a slow month but still need to cover their expenses. The credit card payment is due Wednesday and your check doesn’t come ‘till Friday. Or the bank is about to auto draft your electric bill three days before pay day. We do so many things with auto pay that it can bite you from time to time if the days don’t quite line up.
The Pawn Box provides quick cash loans that can put money in your bank to cover these untimely expenses and actually save you money, and embarrassment. That gold necklace that you don’t wear every day can help you solve this problem. Bring us the item, we will loan you cash that credits to your bank immediately. Even if your bank is closed, you can deposit it into the ATM and it credits instantly. Then you can make the payment, or cover the auto payment without late fees, re-connect fees and the embarrassment of having to make the calls to get your problem resolved.
For instance, if you borrow $300 from us the cost for the whole month is $45.00. However, if you pick it up within ten days, it is only $15.00. That saves you on the over draft charge to your bank, late fee to your credit card or reconnect fee to your utilities, which are usually much more. Those can be $35 to $50 or more…each.
And we do not report to the credit rating services. So if you decide not to come in and pick up your item, no harm, no foul. After about two months, we just pull it out of the back room or vault and sell it to recover our investment. Still, no reporting on your credit. But if you do come and get it, you can use it to get cash again, if you need it.
So if your kid side swipes someone in the school parking lot, if your closing on that million dollar house gets postponed for another week, or if the bank decides to hold the check you deposited from a big client and you have to cover your payroll two days before they will clear it, You can bring us some items of value and we can help you get the cash you need. And your stuff is safe with us. We don’t mess around when it comes to protecting our customers property.
So if you run into a cash crunch, maybe we can help. Call us to see.